Please read through these frequently asked questions to find information about publishing with us!
Thank you and we look forward to working with you.
Who Do You Distribute With?
Our main distributors are Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Itunes Bookstore, Kobo and Google Play and Elefant.ro. We help you reach readers all over the world! We publish in many languages including English, Romanian, French etc.
What information is needed from you for us to finalize the agreement, once we agree on a selling price and authors share?
TexaRom needs your name, full address and CNP # (Romania Only).
What documents are needed once the agreement is signed off on and we are ready to publish?
Please send us your book in a word document (.doc), a hi-resolution jpeg of your approved cover (if available), book description, author biography, and any information on if we need to credit an editor and illustrator. We will then begin the process of converting the book into the Epub and Mobi formats, required for uploading to our retail partners.
What is the process to get my book published with TexaRom?
Please send us some information about the book you want published including the title, current ISBN # if the book is already published in hard copy or online. Our general publishing agreement is for 5 years with automatic renewal. We set the copyrights for the book and for the cover, and the rights and obligations for the author and publisher. Then we negotiate with you on the selling price of the book and authors share. Generally, the selling price of the book must be at least 20% lower than the retail price of the hard copy book, if it is available. Please also send to us a short description of the book and a short biography about yourself. Please also note, if your book is not redacted (edited), we will need to discuss what the book needs to become final. You will have the opportunity to review the agreement and ask any questions prior to us issuing to you a final one for your signature.
How long does it take for my book to be on sale?
From the time we have an approved Epub or Mobi file, it can take up to 2 to 3 weeks for the online retailers to show the book live and for sale.